Sunday, August 30, 2009

Andre's Contract

Well Andre Smith finally signed his contract to play with the Cincinnati Bengals. The contract is 4 years and worth 26 million and its an insult. Of course this insult should come as no surprise to any Bengals fan. If Andre is very unhappy in the last year of his contract and pulls a Brandon Marshall than good job Cincinnati. Im tired of this. He should have been signed a long time ago and what the Bengals did was bullshit. I hope Andre ends up being the best offensive lineman in the league and I hope he holds out in the last year of his contract and forces Cinci to pay him over 100 million dollars just to Fuck Mike Brown just as he has fucked so many loyal Cincinnati Fans.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Andre's Holdout

Andre Smith was drafted 6th overall by the Cincinnati Bengals in the 2009 NFL Draft. A report from ESPN last week said that Andre and His agent were asking for 40 million dollars over 5 years. Is that really so unfair? The Bengals sure think so. Let me state a few facts. The number 5 Pick, Mark Sanchez, was paid 60 million over 5 years with 28 million guaranteed. Vince will say something like well he is a quarterback, well that may be true but Aaron Curry,the pick before Sanchez, was paid the same amount except 34 million guaranteed. At his point let me point out that 40 million is 20 million less than what Sanchez and Curry were paid. 40 Million is to much Cincinnati? You still think so? Okay more facts. The general fact is that the draft pick are paid more and more every year. For example Jake Long was paid 57.5 million in his contract and the next year Matthew Stafford gets 72 million. In the 2008 NFL Draft the New York Jets drafted Vernon Gholston with the sixth overall pick. They signed him to a 5 year 50 million dollar deal. And Andre was drafted in the same spot and he is asking for 40 million, 10 million less than Gholston received. That isn't unreasonable. He needs to be paid his for his pick. For some reason the Cincinnati Bengals don't seem to understand that. Who is the best player on the Cincinnati Bengals roster? The answer to that would be Carson Palmer that was hurt most of last year because of a shitty offensive line and was hurt in the first preseason game because of a shitty offensive line. This is exactly how Carson Palmer is being treated in Cincinnati. They have a chance to sign a very good player and protect one of the highest paid players in the league and they are maintaining that 40 million is too much. They are being ridiculous. So for all the idiots at ESPN and the morons in Cincinnati's front office, its NOT ANDRE'S FAULT. The blame is 100 percent Cincinnati's. And I would also like to say that they had their chance to sign him early, but they wanted to piss around and wait and see who got paid what so like I said its all Cincinnati's fault.
T-Bone out

The analysts on ESPN are making Andre sound unreasonable but he really isn't. Now Michael Crabtree ,on the other hand, is being a selfish prick. It is his fault he isn't in camp.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thoughts on Hard Knocks and Preseason Impressions

Let me start off this post by saying I am glad HBO has decided to follow the Cincinnati Bengals at training camp. I have seen the first episode and am so far impressed how the cameras have been handled with the players and I am glad we get some insight into training camp. Its nice to see how the players are reacting and it was great to see a side of some players you don't usually get to see. As pointed out by fellow blogger Vince, Chris Henry was driven to training camp by Quarterback Carson Palmer. Now if im not mistaken I believe that because of Chris Henry's multiple arrests and DUIs that he has his license suspended and the more time he can spend with a guy like Carson Palmer the better. If he stays straight he may have the Randy Moss Jr. season that Carson Palmer believes he can have. Ohh right the sides of training camp I was talking about. I have said in the past to many Bengals fans that Reggie Kelly isn't a good player, in fact I said he isn't worth what he was being paid. After seeing all he was doing as a leader I have an all new respect for Reggie so if by some miracle Reggie Kelly reads this blog, I am truly sorry for all comments that may be posted that are negative about you.

I loved what I saw in our first preseason game. I know its preseason but it sets the tone for the whole season, kind of. First off Carson Palmer played magnificent. He threw great pass routes and was under pressure all game as usual. So Andre Smith needs to get his ass in camp and Mike Brown needs to pay him the money that he deserves. If Andre can get in there and stop some of the pass rush, Carson Palmer is going to be the Carson Palmer of 2005 before his injury. I was also incredibly impressed with Chris Henry. He was a pure monster. All of the ESPN analysts criticized Carson Palmer for calling Chris Randy Moss Jr. and if he keeps this up, he will make all those analysts look like fools. Okay and the last player that looked especially good to me was Bernard Scott. It seemed like every time he saw a hole he took it and hit it hard (that's what she said) and that's what Rudi Johnson did not do. Rudi danced around in the backfield and got dropped for a loss every time.

And My Final Burn Michael Vick:
First of all if you watch the 60 Minutes interview with Michael that aired tonight you will see that he is not remorseful for crimes that he has committed. He is sorry that he got caught but not sorry for what he did to those dogs and he will never be sorry for what he did. My first problem, he gets 2 years in jail for murdering dogs and lying about it. He gets two years, two years. Two years, Really? He should be in there for a hell of a lot longer than that. And then he gets out and gets a 20 dollar and hour job. Im sorry but if your not Michael Vick you don't get a 20 dollar an hour job. You want to teach him a lesson, make him work at McDonalds for two years and show him a life, life that he probably hasn't seen in a long time. And after he works his job for a couple of weeks he signs a contract in which he will make 8 million dollars in two years. Where is the lesson in that? Its the same lesson that has been taught for years, Pro athletes get away with anything and someone needs to end this cycle and throw an athlete away for good. Michael Vick should have gotten 5 years in prison and he didn't. So now his fate is in the commissioners hand. Lets remember that Michael lied to Roger's face. Im sorry that would piss me off. Vick should be suspended for the next two seasons. This wont teach him a lesson but it will prevent him from playing which hurts Vick. Don't get me wrong everyone deserves a second chance but where is the lesson learned? There was none and he shows no remorse for the things he was done.

Short Draft Grades

I know its been a while since the draft but we didn't post how we all did. In total throughout my mock drafts I correctly predicted the following draft picks
Andre Smith
Chase Coffman
Michael Johnson
Rey Maualuga (No way I thought he would go 2nd round)
and Darius Hill who technically wasn't a draft pick but signed as a free agent.
Not for our blog mock draft...We didn't do so well. In fact only two players were correctly matched with their teams but we couldn't throw in any trade situations or other crazy moves sometimes seen at the NFL draft.
TBONE: A++++++++
Correctly picked the two players. The Lions drafted Matthew Stafford with the first overall pick, not exactly a stretch but still a correct pick for me. I also correctly predicted that the Raiders would draft Darius Heyward-Bey.

Vince: F
No correct picks

Frank: F
No correct picks

Last year I was told that I had the worst Mock Draft of any of our bloggers...who laughing now hahaha (I Am)