Sunday, August 16, 2009

Short Draft Grades

I know its been a while since the draft but we didn't post how we all did. In total throughout my mock drafts I correctly predicted the following draft picks
Andre Smith
Chase Coffman
Michael Johnson
Rey Maualuga (No way I thought he would go 2nd round)
and Darius Hill who technically wasn't a draft pick but signed as a free agent.
Not for our blog mock draft...We didn't do so well. In fact only two players were correctly matched with their teams but we couldn't throw in any trade situations or other crazy moves sometimes seen at the NFL draft.
TBONE: A++++++++
Correctly picked the two players. The Lions drafted Matthew Stafford with the first overall pick, not exactly a stretch but still a correct pick for me. I also correctly predicted that the Raiders would draft Darius Heyward-Bey.

Vince: F
No correct picks

Frank: F
No correct picks

Last year I was told that I had the worst Mock Draft of any of our bloggers...who laughing now hahaha (I Am)

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