Wednesday, November 7, 2007

T-Bones Season as of 11-7-07

Wow what its like to be a Bengals fan at a school were most people are Browns fans. I have to hear all the crap all day long everyday. But its not all bad I mean we could be 2-6 O THATS RIGHT WE ARE. What is wrong with MARVIN LEWIS he should be fired this instant. Head Coach Steve Daley sounds better right now. Now lets go to college football shall we. I am a Notre Dame fan so I have to endure double the crap all day everday from all the OSU fans. I cant wait until Michigan kicks their butt. Now when Ohio State plays someone good we can determine if they are good or not. Lets not declare them the best because there are other teams such as Kansas, Hawaii and UConn that could suprise everyone. Now back to the Bengals they need to start spending money on players that deserve the money that have proved themselves. Guys that are free agents that would kill to play football and you have guys like Chris Henry that screw up and still can play. It isn't fair, not even close. They had their chance and if they blow it let someone else play. Now lets discuss matters of my school Lima Central Catholic. The girls volleyball team is going to state and the football team is in the 2nd round of the playoffs after defeating a team everyone thought they would lose to except the LCC community. Now I will have lots more to come in the following weeks unless Frank censors me first. Peace out

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Steeler Week

Let me be the first to say PUCK FITTSBURGH!. And as we all know, there is nary an attractive, sober, or educated Steelers fan and I think this video is representative of that. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

OJ's Eleven

This will get your minds off of the Bengals...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I was going to post a message after the Ravens game to contradict my previous post about the Bengals season. The schedule, here on out, looked easy I thought. Browns, Seahawks, Chiefs, the NFC West, I mean 12-4 was a real possibility...or so I thought.

I knew the defense would not cause 6 turnovers again, lets face they were about 6 turnovers from an 8-8 season instead of 11-5 in 2005. Thankfully, that year we got the NFC North. It doesn't matter though, no pressure on Derek Anderson (not just saying that... they actually put no pressure on him) and now him, Edwards, Winslow and Jamal Lewis all look like gods. The defense is horrible, how can your offense score 45 and lose? Of course they won't give up 51 every game, but you never should, especially to Cleveland. Five years and still no defense also the clock management was again poor:

Why did we call a timeout with 3 minutes and change remaining and not save it until later? Essentially, if we didn't make a stop at that point the game was over, and puts all the pressure on the defense. With less time on clock (evident by the Falcons play calling), the offense tends to get more conservative, and we would have had the 2-minute warning and an extra timeout. If it had went down that way and assuming the Bengals get a stop, there is 1:10 on the clock instead of :30.

This is what I wrote last year after the Falcons debacle. Nothing has changed, just replace Falcons with Browns. I don't care if you think you made the stop, you don't call a timeout, your offense needs those. Also, 4th and 1 from the 2? You can't waste 4 points!!!!!! Your defense can't stop anybody, you need all the points you can get. The IQ on that sideline is low, especially in tight situations.

So my post from 8/18 stands, I wish I could blog longer but I have better things to do with my time than discuss or watch the Bengals...until next Sunday. Which Bengals team will show up?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bengals Lose to Saints 27-19

I'm just going to ramble because there is a lot I want to say. One, of course, lets not panic and write off the whole season because it is only Game 2 of the preseason, and a lot can happen once they start for real.

With that being said however the defense needs to do something. Drew Brees was 6 for 6 before you could blink an eye, and the backs were having no problem busting through the line against our 1st team D. Lets face it, Smith and Geathers are average rushers and poor tackling DE's. Yes, Geathers had 10.5 sacks last year but most of those were against banged up OL's or coverage sacks, and of course they signed him to a mega huge deal. Maybe it was warranted...but then again maybe not. Smith is getting big bucks this year, so he better have a huge year, but he has one move. Peko might have his breakout year, but Marvin still insists on going with Thornton and Robinson on the DL and honestly what do they really do? J-Joe has the makings of a star, but he is not a star yet and Deltha...well nobody knows what to make of him. Jackson and Williams are average safeties who both played, when healthy, below average last year. The linebackers are mostly young and inexperienced, Miller and Johnson are solid, but Jeanty and Brooks will be getting most of the time early on. Hartwell needs to help this team or it will be a long year for the LB corps. There is really no depth on the defense so if guys go down, it is in serious trouble. I can talk myself into thinking that the defense has another year experience under their belt and will be better, but I say that every year. Bresnahan's schemes are too predictable. Everyone knows whats coming. How many times have you seen a Bengal break free to the QB on an all out blitz? Not often. I think they finish in the bottom 5 in defense again this year. There is a lot of talent on this side of the ball, but most of it is very inexperienced

The offense...well they struggled today. It hurts not having Levi and Willie back there to protect Carson, as we saw last year. No QB can be great without an offensive line. Levi needs to get back soon and Willie needs to find a doctor that knows a little something about foot injuries. If Carson gets a little time, he can get in a zone and the offense is as good is any in the NFL. Chad and TJ are gamers and will be there, although without #15 I think we struggle to find a solid, reliable #3 WR. Rudi...never hurt, rarely fumbles. No proven TE, but I don't know if that hurts us, it may with no Chris Henry. Jeremi Johnson -- I don't where that leaves us either.

19 injuries...I mean you definitely need to rest guys if they are hurt, but they also need some game experience before September 10 so lets hope some of these guys can play during MNF in Atlanta.

So as of 8/18 we have a D - defense and probably a B+ to A- offense at this point and with all the injuries tossed in but with the benefit of an easy schedule (the way it looks now), I say right now 8-8, 9-7 at best, but this, as always, is subject to change.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thoughts About The Finale

A quote that has been mentioned in a number of blogs that refers to the "Soprano Home Movies" episode when Bobby remarks to Tony something to the effect, "You probably don't even hear it when it happens, everything just goes black", when talking about death. It was also shown in a flashback scene in the "The Blue Comet". Many people think that this means that Tony was killed in the finale since this is what happened in the episode.

But what about this possibility? Not that Chase really "whacked" the audience, but maybe he he knew the audience would be so into the episode waiting for something to happen that we weren't ready for when it was actually over, and we were out of the Soprano's lives forever. We didn't hear it when it happened, it went black and we thought the cable went out. Of course we may never know what he really intended if anything at all. I wouldn't listen to the HBO suits, only David Chase knows what was intended. Although, with all the evidence that was presented, it is hard to believe that Tony was killed. I would go into it, but it already has been talked about ad nauseam.

Ending This Thing Of Ours

Did the cable just go out? Just like millions of HBO viewers this is the first thought that came into my mind during the ending of The Sopranos on Sunday night. But before I could register a complaint with Comcast the end credits rolled, and I realized that this was the ending. Some may have mixed feelings, but no one can deny that this will be the most talked about ending in television history. There are many interpretations to the final scene, and none are clear cut. This is the beauty of the ending.
The most plausible interpretation is that the ending is told through the perspective of Tony Soprano. Everytime person who comes through a door could be your assasin, every man in a "Members Only" jacket seems suspicious. Basically, you are constantly living your life in fear. This was portrayed beautifully by David Chase. The tension was so great that I found myself pacing around my apartment. Even an everday problem like finidng a parking spot was turned into a tense moment. In addition to this constant state of fear, Chase shows that Tony's life will be cyclical after the show ends. A.J. went from a spoiled kid in the first episode and ended as a spoiled kid in the last episode. Carmella is still as materilastic as ever, and Meadow seems to still have the same issues with leaving New Jersey that she has always had. Speaking of Meadow, in a Tony/Melfi session Tony stated that he wanted his daughter to get as far away from him as possible. And in the final episode Meadow gives the example of how Italian-Americans are treated unfairly by the Government as a reason for persuing a career in law. What a crushing blow this must have been to Tony knowing that his lifestyle has led to Meadow's decision.
The second interpretation is that at the moment the screen turned black, Tony Soprano had been shot dead. This is an interesting thought because in the first episode of the season Bobby B. says that ,"You probably don't even hear it" in response to what will go through your mind when you are whacked. This line is brought up again at the end of "The Blue Comet", which leads some to believe that this was foreshadowing to Tony's death in the diner.
Some fans will surely be dissapointed with the ending thinking that David Chase has gave the finger to millions of loyal fans across the world, but he didn't. David Chase has stated that "EVERYTHING IS THERE" when asked about the ending, and he is correct. Most likely the ending shows that Tony will continue to live his life, but he will have to do it in a constant state of fear for himself and those he loves.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Predictions for the Finale

Although I have entertained numerous outcomes and ongoings in the finale, I have to remember it is only an hour show and there is only so much they can possibly squeeze in.

Obviously, resolutions will me made in the ongoing NY/NJ saga. Look for some kind of truce to be made after Tony and Phil both realize that they have lost far too much to continue the bloodshed. I predict one more major character will die. I hope it is not Paulie, who at around 70 is looking to take a lesser role in family.

Tony, who left us last episode laying in a sheetless mattress holding and assault rifle for comfort, may have time to finally reflect on all his misdeeds over his lifetime in the Mafia. To draw from previous episodes, the shark has finally stopped moving, and the roulette ball has come crashing down into the cup. Hopefully, it is not too late as Tony is in danger of losing his entire Mafia family to the war and may have no one left to give orders to. Also, his own family, like the ducks, may be in danger of flying away if they come out of denial about what Tony does for a living and realize that it has had disastrous consequences on everyone.

Also, it seems like the terrorist issue has not been completely cleared up as the writers continue to push the issue. Somehow this might tie in to AJ's obsession with terrorism, violence and the war in Iraq. The "Made in America" title may also have something to do with this storyline.

In the end, I believe Tony will end up with the worst outcome possible: Living the rest of his life dwelling on the past, and having no one to comfort him in the future.

Wild Card: The women, who have possessed the most power in the show will put Tony out of his misery. Carmela or Janice will pull the trigger that may have been Livia's to pull had Nancy Marchand still been alive.